Next up? Whatever you can write about that will most quickly and effectively make the world more aligned with your ideal vision of it.

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Ah, so the small stuff. Maybe I should start a cult ;).

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Where’s that ‘laugh’ emoji? :)

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thanks for number seven Gunnar, it’s a nice finish. As a Myers-Briggs, ENFP more than 50 years ago. I appreciate your comments and can share I’ve moved more in the introverted direction and am probably a lot more judge mental than I used to be, which has led to hopefully better decision making. Some dimensions and arenas that occur to me for you to consider include: 1 body, mind, spirit; 2  two types of meditation - concentration and focus; 3  we are what we eat, our food powers our cells, diet and disease; 4 movement, breath and affirmation/mantra ( see ReadyForBetterMethod.com - method section); 5 choice, intention & consequences 🙏💞🌍

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Thanks, Irv. And thanks for the suggestions - I'll give it some thought and see if I have something useful to say about any of those.

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