Ah, this reminds me of the Freud quote (which I assume was really said by him) about love and work being all there is to life/humanness.

I really believe that when you have something you love to do and people you love to spend time with, you’ve made it. Love this and makes me want to learn more about Bertrand Russell — I know so little!

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Lovely essay; shocking how we already have so many answers but still need reminding. Russel was espousing a very Christian sentiment, in the end, I think.

Simple but hard is such a common refrain. Like losing weight or quitting smoking or being a good friend. It’s easy to cloak frustration or weakness as confusion, so we can spend time gathering information rather than acting.

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“happiness is found in the invisible bonds that bind us.” So simple, so true! Many thanks for a thoughtful essay on the most elusive feeling in western culture.

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