Apr 16Liked by Gunnar

I’m 16 and in college getting my associates at the moment. I’m hoping to go on to finish my bachelor’s and go on to graduate school. I love kids and want to raise kids one day, although not my own biological ones because of genetic diseases I deal with. But as you mentioned, I’m unsure how I would navigate a career and children. I want to be present in my children’s life. If the public school system starts to fail them, as it did for me, I want to be able to spend time finding more nurturing education options for them. And at the same time, I need to be able to make a living. One solution I’ve considered is a multi generational household with my parents even as an adult with a career and a partner, so they can be more involved in my children’s life and be able to help when the capitalist system demands my presence. But… yeah I don’t know.

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This made me think that our societies aren't really interested in lengthening people's life expectancy (through healthcare innovations, education about a healthy life including sports, etc.). Cynical, but also economically logical. Looking at the pyramid you posted about Japan, you could either say we need higher birth rates... or, higher, and earlier, death rates.

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Love the title. I have something in the works about the future of community and plan to draw on some of the thoughts here about delayed and declining birth rates.

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Apr 3Liked by Gunnar

To add to the problem, the smart people who you want to have more kids aren't and the people who shouldn't be having kids are.

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