(Don’t worry, it’s still me. Details about the name change below.)
Darwin finished his Origin of Species with:
… from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.
Time for this newsletter to evolve too.
For about two years I’ve been writing the newsletter formerly known as Thinking Ahead. Let’s remove the training wheels and see if it crashes or finds its way.
What does that mean?
One, Thinking Ahead has changed its name. It is now ‘Subtle Sparks’ because I want to keep writing about ideas with stubborn disregard for disciplinary boundaries, both creative and curious, and I hope it will ‘spark’ something in you, whether that’s joy, insight, or (dis)agreement. Subtle because I value nuance, because too many people shout too loudly in an age ruled by superficial, algorithm-mediated popularity contests, and because we’re forgetting that a whisper in the void can be the truest form of defiance.
Two, going through my posts and looking at the ones that 1) I enjoyed writing most and 2) got pretty good feedback (one even found a second home outside of Substack), I’m zeroing in on a theme that’s broad enough to more than a niche: being human1 in a world that is rapidly changing. Both (bio)technology and culture are moving rapidly in ways that affect how we see ourselves and how we interact with each other and the world around us. There are so many aspects to this that I want to poke. Join me, because…
Finally, I’ve enabled paid subscriptions2. Wait, don’t run away just yet! Let me explain. I’ve written about the value of human writing in the age of generative AI before. Yet that sounds hollow if I don’t even value my own writing3. So, I’ve performed a series of cognitive evasive maneuvers to distract my impostor syndrome long enough to toggle the ‘allow paid subscriptions’ box in the settings. How does this affect you? Only as much as you want to. For now, a paid subscription - $10/month, $100/year, or a pay-what-you-want founding membership - is simply a way for you to support my writing (if you’re in a position to do that, of course; times are tough, I get that.) Here’s info on payment methods. If enough people go for it, I might eventually offer exclusive content (not sure yet what that might look like. Ideas very welcome!).
For all subscribers, free or paid, here’s my bullet-pointed promise:
Editorial independence: I have nothing to sell you (well, beyond a subscription, but you get the point), no one tells me what (not) to write, and I want to learn rather than convince.
Transparency: I will flag my biases when I’m aware of them (here’s an example at the bottom of the post). But also, when I talk about data, I’ll provide the sources where I can. Of course, there will be things I’m not aware of, misinterpret, or simply don’t know. Hence…
Open to feedback: Whether it’s about a specific claim or the newsletter vibe as a whole, I’m always open to feedback. Drop it in the comments, message me, or send me an email. I will listen and assess accordingly.
No spam: I won’t promise a specific post frequency. Assume an average of one post/week, but I’m not going to spam your inbox if I have nothing worthwhile to say. Sure, posts will have share and subscribe buttons, but that’s because self-promo is not my strength and I would like this newsletter to grow, so click those
to help me achieve world dominationwhen you feel like it; it really helps.Value: This is the tricky one. I like to think I can offer you an interesting idea from time to time, or a new take on an old idea. Also, if I can fake self-confidence for a second (an ever-failing resolution), I’ve professionally written in various formats, so the writing won’t be terrible. Fair warning, it will be voice-y. Subtle Sparks will not provide bland, varnished marketing copy. There will be wordplay. But at least you’ll know it’s me writing, not a generative text tool. That’s a guarantee.
Fun with footnotes: Also a guarantee.
Thanks for sticking around! If you’re on the fence, here’s more about me (or here if you want juicy details), and here are a few examples of the type of post I want to focus on going forward:
Ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes the Cynic (read up on him, absolute lad) once roamed the streets of Athens in broad daylight with a lantern. When asked what he was doing, he replied, “I am looking for a human being.” (Often mistranslated as looking for an honest man.) He meant that he was looking for an exemplar of humanity, aka the answer to what it means to be ‘human’. I’ll try to do the same, but with the light of a laptop or smartphone screen.
If you pledged a subscription (thanks so much!), your paid subscription should have activated automatically. Let me know if something goes awry.
Footnote 3.1: I know, all the advice says you should either allow paid subscriptions from the start, or you should wait until you hit X subscribers. Fun fact about me: I have a mild but persistent allergy to the word ‘should’ (just ask my mom). Footnote 3.2: For now, I prefer to keep the subscription options simple. I’m not running a discount campaign to hook you only to reverse it later. I am a marketer’s worst nightmare.
For a moment I was like... when did I subscribe to this sparkles thing?! Whatever the name, I enjoy your articles! 👏🏼
My only complaint is the false promise of "juicy details," but I'm sure you'll make it up to us in a future edition. 😉