This reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode ("Eye of the Beholder" in 1960 - yes, I am that old!). Most of the episode shows only shadows, without revealing faces. The story line is a young woman who is hideously ugly, and is about to get her last hope surgery to achieve a normal appearance. At the end the bandages are removed and you see a perfectly lovely woman. Then the camera pulls back to reveal that virtually everyone else has grotesque features, with pig-like noses. She is distraught because the surgery didn't work.

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Ah, the tyranny of the average ;).

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I reckon Jon Baudrillard would say your a projecting the problem of hypreality onto men. But then you could just ring him in the ai and convince him hyp. Is fine like I do,, so who cares. the ai is so permissive.

Ps. When I attack women on the internet I make sure it's with game theory and to win, cause that's what they are doing to me. Tit for tat; the optimal solution to the prisoner dilemma (communism). Bet this ends well.


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