I think Steve Jobs nailed it when he said we can only connect the dots looking back. In my own life there have been many decisions that seemed minor at the time, but turned out to have profoundly good outcomes down the road. I've also made some incredibly stupid blunders, so I think I've had more good luck than most, maybe even more than I deserve if luck were measured by need.

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If only we could have hindsight beforehand :).

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Maybe a self-fulfilling prophecy, but the belief that "nothing is wasted" has helped me.

I started in academia and then pivoted to health coaching. First 3 years of health coaching was a complete failure, as I tried to leave my old life behind.

Turning to the idea that my years in academia can meld with my health coaching has helped me find a more unique voice, build on the relationships that I had there, and lead to more serendipity in my work now

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"Nothing is wasted." What a great philosophy, Javier. A powerful shift in perspective (I definitely still need to work on seeing things that way.) ;)

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