I’m interested in ideas that thread the path between science and soul; such as, quantum physics, without religion. Energy fields, entanglement, vibrational healing. If I could afford it, I would support you, Gunnar. I think you are making great strides in keeping open and connecting dots.. Thank you.

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Thanks, Sara. It's been a while since I dipped my toe into quantum physics, but I am skeptical about its application in medicine (unless, perhaps, when it comes to molecular conformations, but I need to read up on that ;)).

Also, you just reminded me that I once had two (very) short stories shortlisted in a writing competition with the single demand that it had to involve quantum physics. If you're interested, both stories are available for free: https://shorts.quantumlah.org/entry/tunnelsx and https://shorts.quantumlah.org/entry/chasing-probability.

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Thank you. I read both articles with interest. Actually, Gunnar.. you’re a good fiction writer! I hope you’re writing some book series’ .. :) I am entrenched in non-fiction, a seeker of deep meanings, but sometimes well-researched fiction can provide great insight. I hope during your research that you find some connections between quantum science and physical medicine, like sound healing, for instance. After all, it’s all about vibrations, isn’t it?

Again thank you. Your efforts are seen and appreciated.

Sara S.

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