“You require wings of your own to stay aloft.” This reminder to retain a strong sense of self even in an interdependent relationship really resonated. It’s often easy to lose oneself in the context of another person, perhaps because most advice focuses on what to look for in someone else rather than how to become someone who attracts the companionship they seek. Ravens and vultures are similarly criminally underrated.

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Yes! It’s easy to lose, and want to lose, yourself in someone, but eventually that backfires.

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this seagull who has learned to survive on trash and childrens' lunches appreciates you lol

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Ah, adaptable and resilient those seagulls.

Thank you, tracy!

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Beautiful work. I wish the algo rewarded the best of us, the polymaths, the Gunnars. Western barn owl here with a cedar waxwing son.

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Thank you, Jos. Western barn owl is a great choice.

I should print this comment and stick to my wall!

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I’m not sure whose choice it was, if any, but I’m so appreciative of the connection I have to this noble, fearsome, beautiful, equanimous, workhorse of a parent. There for me when I most needed it.

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Oh I love this so much, so true and so beautifully written 😊

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Thank you, Francis!

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This is a beautiful metaphor for love; the type that I hope to find one day. Great work, Gunnar!

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Thanks, Michael! Fingers crossed.

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I so love reading vulnerable Gunnar, and this post is giving me some wonderful Nino Quincampoix vibes. Maybe someday we’ll get that other story that ripped your wings from your back… (?)

Blue jays are all over the place where I live (Stellar Jays to be exact), as well as Gray Jays. They’re beautiful and have always been some of my favorites—a welcome shock of color in the sometimes brownscapes of bare winter scrub oak or melting spring. But, if everyone is picking what bird they’d be, I gotta go with my favorite around here—the red-tailed hawk.

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Thanks, Danielle! (Love the Nino reference)

I don't know why, but I can see a red-tailed hawk for you.

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Damn, this was a beautiful post! Very strong because you got vulnerable. So admiring! 👏🏼👏🏼🥰

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Thank you, Monica!

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"What if we accept that the best moment to spread our wings is when we meet someone who makes us feel the safety of a nest and the supportive hands to help us soar? Who encourages us to fly by catching us when we stumble? Who turns the fear of flight into the playful excitement of a shared adventure?"

Well that's a reasonable romantic if I ever saw one.

For the less reasonable amongst us, despair not! You can always do what I did and get yourself a pack of dogs.

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Thanks, Dahlia!

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