The burden of being unknown. Love it. Makes so much sense.

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Thanks, Gail! Glad to hear (or know?) that it resonated with you ;).

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I think the happy medium is knowing you could be independent for a while if need be, and then forging all sorts of supportive connections from there. Because like you say, we are so much stronger with support.

(Funny enough, someone I’ve worked closely with in the past researched this exact thing, controlling for relationship security: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=tao+jiang+mutual+support&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart#d=gs_qabs&t=1718539999725&u=%23p%3DqSCyoteE0NQJ)

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Rose, again I find myself agreeing with you. 😊

Interesting paper. It's remarkable that the *perception of* support does so much work here. Also, "compassionate goals correlate with growth-seeking and predict increased growth-seeking over time through perceived available support" basically summarizes the whole post I wrote.

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