Welcome to Subtle Sparks

Hi, I’m Gunnar and I like ideas.

A rare picture of me in the wild, proving that cartwheels are more interesting than simply walking.

I’ve spent a bit of time in both science and the humanities, and it continues to surprise me how little crosstalk there is across the (artificial) gap that separates them.

So, at Subtle Sparks, we'll look at a few different things. You’ll get biology and technology one week, literature and culture the other, and often an odd combination of all the above.

On average, I post once a week.

Wait. Who is this guy?

Hi, I'm Gunnar. I have a biology PhD from the University of Nottingham (UK) on – warning: mouthful incoming – the ecology and evolution of individual behavioral variation. It involved trying to provoke bacteria wars, scaring small fish, rubbing shoulders with social spiders, and writing an odd paper on robot behavior and AI before the hype (which somehow ended up in a SAO/NASA database…).

I also have a philosophy of science degree because why not.

By day, I work in science communication at a biotech research institute, and in the cracks of daily life, I read, write, and play with words until they start doing funny things. I'm also an inveterate pacer, routine rebuilder, and self-doubter – navigating the twists and turns of life as we all do.

Do I have to pay?

No. Or more, accurately, only if you want to.

Subtle Sparks is mostly free, but I have enabled paid subscription in case you 1) appreciate the time and effort that goes into it, and 2) can afford it.

Depending on how well (or not) this goes, I may revise this model, but I will always be transparent about everything that happens behind the scenes.

How you can help

  • Spread the word: Let your friends, family, and colleagues in on the secret – nudge them (gently, of course) to subscribe for their own dose of ideas. Your share might be the ripple that keeps the newsletter afloat.

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  • Feed it back to me: Your thoughts matter! Comment, like, and let me know what resonates with you.

Time is precious and I'm grateful for you taking a moment to explore this corner of the internet.

Thanks for stopping by.

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Lyrical science essays - biology and literature, technology and philosophy, dancing across disciplines in pursuit of ideas


Biology PhD meets philosophy degree | works in science (biotech) communication | writes stories | plays with words and ideas | published in Clarkesworld Magazine, The Deadlands, Future SF Digest... | "Diplomatic daredevil" - Anonymous